Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where should I blog?

I'm at a loss... should I blog here or should I blog on my MySpace account? I really like bloging here but my friends are more connected to my Space account. Not that they read it or anything but it is the idea that someone might read it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16 My bloging journey

I'm not sure how this is going to go. Theresa is getting me hooked on blogging but I'm afraid I may blog about things that are too personal to actually put public. I've kind of started blogging on MySpace and have to see if I can link this to that. That would be kind of cool. Today is a rainy gray day. Heather is home from school even though tomorrow is her last day. She just doesn't feel good.

I have been trying to set up a schedule for our summer so that at the end of it I can look back and feel that it was productive. So far I have the kids doing swimming lessons and library on Thursday's, daycare on Tuesday, and have been researching fun in expensive stuff to do locally. I have found the Pine Tree Arboretum in Augusta, touring the governors house (the Blaine House) is free, The Maine State Museum in very inexpensive, too. I hope to do one special thing like that a week and leave the rest of our days to do whatever... like groceries and laundry! A friend of mine said we could have their old pool so I hope to get that set up soon so it can be used on the hot days. Right now we are gearing up for Kachira's birthday party this weekend, a dinner in Rockland with some of my cousins, and surprise party for some friends on Sunday. We will be busy but having fun.

Another thing that I want to do is to practice taking pictures (on manual) with my camera. I really want to eventually have a real camera (not digital) and a dark room but that probably won't happen until the kids are grown... so about 15 years from now! I feel like I'm cheating when I take a good picture - even on manual setting, but then all I do is print it off instead of tweaking it and creating it in the dark room.

So, here is a start we will see where it takes us.